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More than twenty years after writing Found Wanting, her influential critique of Christian teachings about women’s sexuality, Alison Webster explores the experiences of women whose spiritual lives have developed and flourished outside the strict demands and expectations of the traditional Church. Found Out presents these women’s stories and, in the voices of the marginalised and transgressive, discovers the beginnings of a new language for making sense of life, for speaking of God and of spirituality.


Alison Webster has worked for her whole career in the field of Christian social justice. She has worked for the Student Christian Movement, The Christian Socialist Movement and the Institute for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality, and two Church of England Dioceses. She was a founder editor of two international journals, Theology and Sexuality, and Political Theology. She is author of ‘Found Wanting: Women, Christianity and Sexuality (Cassell, 1995), ‘Wellbeing’ (SCM Press, 2002), and ‘You Are Mine: Reflections on who we are’ (SPCK 2009), and also of numerous resource materials and online publications in the field of social justice and faith. She is Chair of an arts charity called Amaka Beautiful Child (ABC), which works for personal and social transformation through poetry, art, music, dance and drama.

Found Out

SKU: 9780232533774
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