Inspired by Father Alfred Delp, who wrote a meditation titled The Shaking Reality of Advent while imprisoned by the Nazis during WWII, Bishop Peter B. Price has written a series of reflections and prayers to be read on each day of Advent. Each reflection is written that we may be ‘shaken and brought to a realisation of our selves’, in order to gain a new understanding of God’s promise of redemption and release.
Peter B. Price is an author and broadcaster, and until recently Chair of Trustees of Conciliation Resources, a peace-building NGO working in many conflict areas around the world. He was formerly Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop of Kingston upon Thames and Secretary of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Currently, through the Burns Price Foundation, Peter and his wife Dee seek to promote good citizenship amongst young people supporting projects that focus on making peace and building community.
A Shaking Reality
SKU: 9780232533514